What’s a Good Day Look Like?
Better yet, what’s a great day look like?
“It is an awesome thing to comprehend that what a human being dreams and imagines can be realized“~ Vanna Bonta
A good metaphor for creating a great day is creating a great harvest. Reaping the fruits of a fully grown plant first begins with planting a seed. This seed has requirements to develop into a fully mature plant. In creating a good or great day, we first plant our intention, then awareness on what we desire. Intention is the initial thought of what it is you want. It’s the seed. Attention is placing an uncompromising conscious flow of our awareness on the thought (intention) with action. In other words, what steps are you taking towards creating the day you want? Attention is the nourishment that supports that seed’s growth and development. Attention is the energy source; like the sun, water, and soil for the seed.
For a great day to manifest, these are the tips I work from:
Have a clear, clean intention – when I can vividly describe what I want with such clarity that another person could see it exactly as I want it, then I’ve got clarity. Getting clear is often the most difficult part for me with bigger items. So I spend time on this, sometimes it takes a while so I come back to it frequently. However, in taking the time to make it look great, it’s not so difficult a challenge.
I associate my intention with empowering emotions. This is like adding fuel to the day.
I find it helpful to ask myself, “How is what I want beneficial to others around me?”. It must be believable to me and be for the greater good of all.
Remain flexible in how it shows up.
Make no excuses to muddy it and make no compromises!!
Next week’s blog focuses on how to maintain a flexible consciousness so we can recognize how our desires are showing up.