Listen to the Bigness of the Fellow Within
“Listen to the Bigness of the Fellow Within” is the title of a pivotal book by a fellow chiropractor, BJ Palmer from 1949. I read it early in my career and it led me to ask more questions than it answered. To summarize, it’s about the remarkable intelligence that we do not fully understand, nor when we ponder, can we really grasp.
As stated, “Behind the Universe is a Universal Intelligence which has directed its functions in millions of ways for millions of years. It follows a definite pattern which never varies, each to its kind and form.” (1)
As Wiki notes from another excerpt of volume 22, “There is an intrinsic tendency for things to self-organize and co-evolve into ever more complex, intricately interwoven and mutually compatible forms.” (2)
Why does any of this matter and why would you care?
When we live in accordance with natural law, it’s been my experience that life “happens”. What I mean is that things go well for us. There is an ease present. For example, when we follow ideal nutritional practices (see: “food is information”) we feel healthy and vital. When we educatedly or from what we call “outside-in” make decisions external to our natural state we deviate from eating well over time and then all sorts of things can happen.
When we listen to our inner voice, our intuition, it usually steers us in the right direction. When we make decisions from only our educated mind, our ego, it often does not. This is where the check-in and creating space to tune in to ourselves is so valuable. As I’ve said many times, we want the voice and the vision on our inside to become our compass point rather than the good opinions from others on the outside. Take mother’s intuition, I’ll always take an in-tune mother’s comment about something going on with her child seriously, even though she may not have any evidence for what she’s picking up for her child. The lack of evidence does not always mean evidence of lack.
When we create space to connect within, insights are often profound. When we take time to be present with “what is” we often have thoughts of inspiration. So prioritize time for you. Begin with 3 minutes per day. Then increase the frequency to 2-3x per day. Then increase your time allotted by 2 minutes. See what happens when you listen to the “bigness of the fellow within”.
(1) Palmer, BJ. The Bigness of the Fellow Within. vol 22, 1949