Food is Information
I was reading a book by someone I’d met in the early 2000’s and the way he wrote two simple sentences about how we’d be better off viewing our food struck me as being profound.
I do not like to get into a particular “best food practice” because there is so much tied up in our culture, beliefs and preferences that it becomes a hot potato. I personally believe people are better served one-on-one so we can take into consideration “how” they eat. For example, do they eat on the run, in a rush, standing at the counter, sitting down, do they chew slowly or eat in a pleasant environment.
That being said, it’s pretty simple to recognize that there are required nutrients that when present in the amounts nature intended, allow us to fully express and thrive as a species. Ergo, less than ideal nutrition over decades leaves us more vulnerable, since what we eat and drink, transmutes into “us”.
I have not yet met a person who “eats well all the time” so I think we can benefit from a check-in with our food.
What I liked reading from the author of the book, Mark, was the following: “Food is information. It gives instructions that turn on/off genes, that regulate hormones, and that regulate immune system function. If you put in the right healing foods and take out the foods that are harmful – your body will actually reset very quickly.” Mark Hyman MD
Consider this and “check-in” to see the changes you can make.
As David Wolfe has shown with Kirlian photography, there is a distinct difference in the vibrational energy of live foods when compared to processed, dead or artificial foods.
What small step can you begin right now to move towards the direction of ingesting higher quality information to heal, and regulate your energy reserves?
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