Big Problems Stem from Small Errors of Judgement

I was noodling about the illness-salutogenesis spectrum and it struck me that so many things in my life, and I suspect yours too, stem from small errors of judgement that we repeat over and over.

Illness, divorce, Enron, decisions in our own business… In each scenario I ran, rarely did something big or negative happen out of the blue. Usually there were decisions made that while small at the time took me down a different road. Those decisions when cumulative ended up with something that couldn’t be ignored; a “bigger problem”.

Let’s take illness. We know the chronic health conditions of our time – such as vascular – heart and stroke, arthritis, kidney, and others are lifestyle related. Even cancer is estimated to be 90 to 95% lifestyle related.

So what are we doing?

My guess is that we’re not living in a way conducive to creating optimal health, we’re not eating, exercising, and moving in a way best suited for our age, frame, and likes. We’re not playing, getting fresh air, connecting with nature and having deep personal relationships. We’re subluxated (as we say in chiropractic – disconnected from within). Our nervous system which directs, well, everything is exhausted. We’re stressed, running on the hamster wheel, not sleeping well.

In other words we’re not tuning in. Because when we do, our body’s sensations and feelings would tell us we’re living out of harmony and we’re out of balance. Perhaps we feel like we’re invincible with an attitude of “someone can fix it”, “nah, this doesn’t apply to me”, “I’ll do “that” later when I have time” or we’re living in the now without regard to the costs that will be paid at a later date.

So we make small errors of judgement over and over. They become poor habits that do not support health. Be it in our own lives, or if taken with another example in relationships within a couple, those habits just do not support a vital marriage. So things begin to breakdown, decay or become chaotic.

So what to do?

Stop – take charge and tune-in! Click on the link and read the 4 blogs provided about how to do this.

If you stay on your current path, where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years? Empowered and recreating health, maximizing your potential and expression? Or perhaps you see chaos, breakdown, or even illness?

Is it time to get your head out of the sand and look within for direction and answers? The challenge is that many of us have become so distracted or numb to our feelings and bodily sensations we’re lost to listening within, and we stay on the same course.

What are your other options? Get outside in nature and listen. Be still. Be quiet.

Sign up on my website to receive my Best Version of You Starter Kit.  You’ll received a guided visualization to help you relax and tune-in.  Do it and see what happens when you give yourself this gift 15 minutes per day. Or, click the link on my website to access the 328 page e-book with 47 experts on Successful Lives-Successful Marriage.

Or take the Move to Mastery program. You will get plugged in and on a path that connects you to more. See program info here.

Lastly, contact me if you feel private coaching would put you on your path. It’s amazing how coaches have been pivotal in my life in getting me unstuck and seeing clearly again.

In repeating a quote from Socrates I posted in November 2014,  “The Secret of Change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new” .


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