A Day in Your Pajamas

June 2 PauB island sunset.

Ever had a day where you stayed in your PJ’s ALL day long?
Not because you’re sick, not because you’re lazy but just because you can?

It’s cathartic and akin to taking a day to pause – to regroup, regenerate, “chillax”. A day to make a connection – with yourself.

Not long ago, one of my gal pals asked me if I had done that as an adult.
Nope not EVER. After all who had time to do that? This is the same gal pal who has out lived her cancer prognosis by over 20 years. The thought remained in the back of my mind. Maybe she’s got a lesson for me behind the question.

Then my inner coach popped up and I thought why not?

Why don’t I have time to do that?

What would happen if I did?

My inner critic reared her ugly head and provided the many reasons why I shouldn’t.
So I challenged it.

What if I stayed in my PJ’S for the day to just “hang”?

So I did. Up at our island. On a sunny Tuesday this past week. It’s spring, and a time where mother nature renews herself. What I found was sheer delight.

I did 90 minutes of Yoga, accomplished creating two Power Points for presentations coming up. I also meditated longer than well …”like ever”… a couple of hours. I listened to birds. Had a few cups of tea. Tended my organic garden and painted. The day seemed to extend itself. There was heightened awareness of what was surrounding me.

I watched this sun set from our deck. It was a day spent in “re-creating” the Best Version of me.

All in my PJ’s. I can promise it’ll happen again.

When was the last time you spent a day in yours?


Feeling. Deeply.


Shhh…listen within.